Schäfer GmbH | Gerstungen | Germany
In July 1992, the Schaefer GmbH was founded in the area of Eisenach, Germany. The company started with two employees producing eccentric presses in a rented facility. Aggressive sales growth and favorable economic conditions all contributed to the need for major expansion eight years later. In 2000, the space was increased to 2000 sq. meters. The new space allowed to increase engineering capability as well as more manufacturing space.
Additional investments improved our fabricating capabilities. Today, parts are being manufactured on state of the art machining centers and CNC machines coupled with CAD for direct data transfers. This networking allows for efficient manufacturing using wire and sink erosion, 3- and 5 axis grinding and turning.
The Schaefer GmbH offers market-oriented system solutions. During manufacturing of the products, from design through production and testing, the project team is always in close contact to our customer. Quality assurance procedures, including pre-production sampling according to VDA, helps to meet the stringent standards of the automotive industry.
Manufacturing capabilities
- Stamping dies
- Injection molding dies
- Die casting molds
- Tooling for ultra-sonic welding
- Hotmelt injection molding dies and machines
- Hotmelt injection molding machines and systems
- Fixtures and calibration aids
- Serial production of stamping parts on a 50 ton Bruderer stamping machine
- Prototype production of plastic injection parts on a Arburg 470C
- Prototype production of Hotmelt injection molded components
The project, funded by the Free State of Thuringia, was co-financed by funds from the European Union within the framework of the European Regional Development Fund. |
Energy efficiency consultation
The situation analysis for implementation an energy efficiency consulting serves the uncovering of potentials for energy saving in the area of production. Consumers are measured over a certain period of time, then evaluated and the potentials are revealed where savings are possible.
Improving competitiveness and productivity
Investment in job preservation through the purchase of new machines and equipment according to the energy consulting report. This results in significant energy savings and an increase in energy efficiency in the company.
Improvement of energy efficiency
Renewal of the lighting by LED technology in production area and administration offices for higher energy efficiency to save resources.