New Designations for Crimping Applicators

Our new product designations follow a clear system, are logically structured, and internationally understandable. The new designations for crimping applicators consist of a memorable name and the type of product, and are now incorporated into all variants.

Fundamentally, we differentiate based on the most important features in the name as follows:

  • SolidCrimp: Applicator with mechanical terminal feeding

  • AirCrimp: Applicator with pneumatic terminal feeding

  • CentricCrimp: Applicator with centric crimping

  • SlideCrimp: Applicator with terminal feeding via sliding table

  • UltraCrimp: Applicator with robust design using a column frame

The additional abbreviations for distinguishing the types have the following meanings:

  • ML: Mechanical terminal feeding from the left
  • MB: Mechanical terminal feeding from the back
  • PR: Pneumatic terminal feeding from the right
  • PB: Pneumatic terminal feeding from the back
  • LP: Processing of single terminals (Loose Piece)
  • 4P: Crimping of single terminals at 4 points

We also provide information about the maximum possible wire cross-section that can be processed. Here are some examples:

Examples of our applicators

SolidCrimp ML-6

Name: SolidCrimp means terminal feeding with mechanical drive
Type: ML-6 means mechanical drive from the left with crimping for up to 6 mm² wire cross-section

AirCrimp PL-6

Name: AirCrimp means terminal feeding with pneumatic drive
Type: PL-6 means pneumatic drive from the left with crimping for up to 6 mm² wire cross-section

CentricCrimp 4P-6

Name: CentricCrimp means the design for centric processing
Type: 4P-6 means crimping at 4 points for up to 6 mm² wire cross-section

SlideCrimp LP-25

Name: SlideCrimp means the design with a sliding table for terminal feeding
Type: LP-25 means crimping of single terminals (Loose Piece) for up to 25 mm² wire cross-section

UltraCrimp LP-120

Name: UltraCrimp means the robust design with a column frame
Type: LP-120 means crimping of single terminals (Loose Piece) for up to 120 mm² wire cross-section

With these new designations, we aim to make the selection and identification of our products even easier!